Snow Escape 5 walkthrough

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01 - Take a good look at the plants in the window.
02 - Go to your right.
03 - Notice the colors in the rounded windows and the lines in each of them.
04 - Take the piece of wood located under the right tree.
05 - Go to your right.
06 - Place the piece of wood above the log.
07 - Go to your right.
08 - Input the code from the plants in the box (2414).
09 - Take the hammer and go to your right.
10 - Notice the position of the ice in the lamps (down, up, middle, middle).
11 - Notice the dots in the wood.
12 - Take the ladder.
13 - Click the handle of the water pump.
14 - Take the metal bar.
15 - Click the buttons of the locker following the order of the rounded windows divisions (3214).
16 - Take the magnet.
17 - Use the metal bar to open the locker.
18 - Take the glove and go to your right 3 times.
19 - Use the clue from the ice and take the sharper.
20 - Use the ladder to take the glove from the roof.
21 - Go to your right.
22 - Combine the clues from the dots in the wood with the window colors to open the box (blue, green, yellow, red).
23 - Take the key and go to your right twice.
24 - Combine the gloves in your inventory and click the logs to move them away from your path.
25 - Use the magnet to move the metal bar.
26 - Use the key on the door... and you are out!