Introduction to Power Pamplona

Power Pamplona, also known as Extreme Pamplona, is an online game that will give you a rush of adrenaline. The game was originally developed by Rexona and was only available in Flash, but now it's been updated to HTML5 so you can play it on any device.

How to Play

Your character starts running away from the bull in Spain and ends up touring Europe, passing through Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, France, the United Kingdom, and Sweden. Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move your character and jump over obstacles. Be careful not to slow down or the bull will catch up to you. The goal of the game is to run as far as possible and avoid being caught by the bull. If you're fast enough, you can even unlock new levels and characters to play with.

Tips and Tricks

  • Pay attention to the obstacles and plan your jumps accordingly.
  • Don't look back, it will only slow you down and you might get caught by the bull.
  • Collect power-ups along the way to help you run faster and jump higher.
  • Try to stay in the center of the screen, so you have enough time to react to the obstacles.

The History of Power Pamplona

Power Pamplona was inspired by the Running of the Bulls, a traditional festival that takes place every year in Pamplona, Spain. During this festival, bulls are let loose in the streets and people run in front of them, trying to avoid being trampled or gored. The game was first released in 2007 and quickly became popular among gamers worldwide. It has since been updated several times, adding new levels, characters, and features.

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